
Saturday, October 3, 2009

SQL Injection is still Hacker's Favorite

Various techniques are widely used by the cracker, from the classical way as SQL injection to exploit the new mode of instant messenger or social networking sites. But according to the Tipping Point, SQL injection is still a favorite hackers.

When compared with the worm or other types of attacks, SQL injection techniques can be said that the most simple. Because the perpetrator does not require any additional devices and only enough to use the browser to launch an attack.

Tipping point as a provider of network security services company in the telling of the usual mode of attack encountered by its clients.

"One mode of attack which is common to use a web application such as SQL Injection, PHP and others" said Rohit Dhamankar as Director of Security Research DVlabs, The Tipping Point on Rizt news conference at Carlton Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/5/2009 ).

Motives of the attack that was a cracker now been changed. "Once they attacked with the purpose of curiosity or just destroy the system, but now their motives have changed the direction of the economy," added the man from India. (detik)

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