Motorola brings Endeavor HX1, the vendor who was known as mobile phone maker is trying to offer something different on this product. For hands-free unlike most, Endeavor brings HX1 True Bone Conduction technology.
True Bone Conduction Technology is the use of vibration and ear bones continue to be a voice. Through a user of technology is not only able to listen to the voice clearly, but also safe from ear disorders.
"In addition, two of Crystal Talk technology and True Bone Conduction combined, making Motorola HX1 Endeavor has a very clear quality without being interrupted by a variety of background noises. And certainly safe for the user's ear," said Head of Retail Sales Operation Mobile devices Motorola accessories Tracy Yeo.
Not only that, these mobile devices can be used for two phones and the Bluetooth feature, so that when users have more than one phone does not require many additional devices also, which may jeopardize the end user.
Motorola appointed local distributor, to market Wellcomm Endeavor HX1 in Indonesia. On price, Motorola membanderol Endeavor HX1 for Rp 1,900,000.
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